DR-VIP proves advantageous for law firm

Watch the video below to learn more about how the Direct Recognition Variable Investment Plan (DR-VIP) has been designed to help successful business owners and high-income earners at professional services firms like private equity, venture capital, investment banking, hedge fund, accounting and law firms set aside more money (potentially up to an additional $338,000) on top of traditional 401(k) and profit-sharing plans.

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Snapshot of results*

Working with USI Consulting Group (USICG), a mid-sized Manhattan law firm accomplished several important objectives when it implemented a DR-VIP, including:




additional partner
retirement contributions
of new contributions
go to partners
additional in
staff contributions

* Actual results will vary. The use of any stated benefits in this case study is intended for illustrative purposes only and may not be used to predict or project future results.

This information is intended for educational purposes only and should not be construed as an offer to buy or sell any product or strategy. You should contact your Financial Advisor with questions regarding your individual circumstance. | Neither USI nor its affiliates and/or employees/agents/representatives offer investment advice to plan participants. | 1024.S0426.0033